Next Church Rep Meeting: Thursday, February 13th at 7:30pm. Sara Ureel (board member at large) will talk about going to Washington, DC for March for Life National! We will also be putting together “first night” bags for Hope Pkgs.
Oratory Contest for area PROLIFE high school students will be held on Thursday, March 12th at 7:00pm in the Ministry Center at Central Avenue CRC (259 Central Avenue, Holland, MI).
Research one of these issues and prepare a 5-7 min. prolife presentation to a panel of judges: ABORTION, EUTHANASIA, INFANTICIDE, EMBRYONIC STEM CELL RESEARCH AND HUMAN CLONING.
To register, please call Betty at 616.396.1037. CLICK on the link below to download the 2020 Oratory Informational Flyer
Russ’ Fundraiser: Monday, March 23rd – Eastside Russ’ (385 E. 8th Street) from 5:00pm-7:00pm. Russ’ will donate 25% of your total bill to Right to Life of Holland Area.
RTLHA Annual 5k Walk/Fun Run will be held on Saturday, April 25th at Lawrence Street Park in Zeeland, MI. Registration begins at 9:30am, walk will start at 10:00am.