• Next Church Rep Meeting:  Thursday, February 13th at 7:30pm.  Sara Ureel (board member at large) will talk about going to Washington, DC for March for Life National!  We will also be putting together “first night” bags for Hope Pkgs.

  • Oratory Contest for area PROLIFE high school students will be held on Thursday, March 12th at 7:00pm in the Ministry Center at Central Avenue CRC (259 Central Avenue, Holland, MI).

    Research one of these issues and prepare a 5-7 min. prolife presentation to a panel of judges:  ABORTION, EUTHANASIA, INFANTICIDE, EMBRYONIC STEM CELL RESEARCH AND HUMAN CLONING.   

    To register, please call Betty at 616.396.1037.  CLICK on the link below to download the 2020 Oratory Informational Flyer

    2020 Oratory contest flyer

  • Russ’ Fundraiser:  Monday, March 23rd – Eastside Russ’ (385 E. 8th Street) from 5:00pm-7:00pm.  Russ’ will donate 25% of your total bill to Right to Life of Holland Area.

  • RTLHA Annual 5k Walk/Fun Run will be held on Saturday, April 25th at Lawrence Street Park in Zeeland, MI.  Registration begins at 9:30am, walk will start at 10:00am.